Sunday, May 17, 2020
Industrial Revolution A Time Of Economic Success
Although the Industrial Revolution is widely referred as a time of economic success, and very often benefited the rich. The Industrial Revolution occurred during the eighteenth century and was a time of innovation, but it is clear that present time has made several improvements, especially in working conditions. The working conditions were harsh and unlike the working conditions of present time child labor was very prevalent in the period of the Industrial Revolution, in addition to this there were low wages and almost no work safety as for present time, many laws and policies have been placed in order to ensure better working conditions. Mass production played a big role in the Industrial Revolution and its working conditions. The Industrial Revolution was a time of progress in terms of new machines and technology being used in manufacturing products. With a stronger demand for all kinds of products there was an even bigger demand for a larger workforce, which also varied in gender and age. Child labor was fairly common during this period; children were hired to perform some of the tasks the adults were unable to perform. Such as working in mines that involved small crawl areas or in textile factories where their small fingers could fix broken threads. Working conditions were not only harsh on children, but also for the adults. As a result of mass production, people often worked long hours with almost no rest. Consequently, these long working hours lead to accidents,Show MoreRelatedSuccesses And Failures Of The French Revolution And The Industrial Revolution1391 Words  | 6 PagesFailures The French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution are both meaningful revolutions that altered the English and French citizens permanently during the end of the eighteenth century. 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